Step 1 : In the main page, Click Adjustment

Step 2 : Dropdown Import/Export Templates and select Export Adjustment Template

Step 3 : Select employees and what kind of Adjustment you want to export. Then click Export Template.

Step 4 : Click OK. You can find the exported file in your Downloads folder

Step 5: Once you locate the file, open it and this is what it should look like,

Step 6: Encode the adjustment amount per employee, also indicate if its taxable or not then save the file

Step 7 : Go back to HROS and click Import Template

Step 8 : Fill out the information

1. Click Browse and locate the exported .csv file or the file that you just edited.
2. Set the cut-off period in which you wanted the adjustment to take effect
3. Click Save Template
Step 9 : Click OK

Step 10 : Click Back To Salary Adjustments

Step 11 : Imported Adjustments will reflect like this. Click the Details button on the right to display more information.

Step 12 : Here you can EDIT or DELETE the Adjustment.