What is the EDS Recruitment Module?
The EDS Recruitment Module is part of the family of the EDS HRIS components that streamlines the entire on-boarding process—from submission of application forms, screening of applications to final on-boarding of new hires. Since it is tightly integrated into the EDS HRIS, efficiencies are achieved because re-encoding is eliminated.
The Recruitment Process Flow

Key Features and Capabilities:
Creation of Manning Budget (on-line application and approval)
On-line posting of job openings
Prevents opening of jobs without reference to Manning Budget (prevents over-hiring)
Accepts online uploading of Resumes and other documents
Tracking of application status
a. Budgeted vs Actual Placement Report
b. Unfilled Positions (Pending Job Vacancies)
c. Probationary Employees by Department
d. Seasonal Employees by Department
e. OJT/Trainees/Project Employees by Department
Advantages and Benefits:
Go paperless! This module removes the need for paper forms and documents to be passed around.
Acts as a Document Repository. Applicants can upload soft copies of diplomas, transcripts, certifications, and other documents. The System will be a repository of these documents ready to be accessed anytime, anywhere.
Encoding by HR staff is reduced. Applicants, not the HR staff, encode personal information directly on a web page.
Management has full control. Job Openings, positions and the number of openings are all created by authorized officers (management), not lower staff. This prevents over hiring and allows easy monitoring of unfilled positions.